GCCM Update June 6th, 2023

Vision Trip, Love Albania Banquet

Last time we wrote, Valbona and I had plans to celebrate both Easter holidays since Albania recognizes both the Catholic and Orthodox Easter as statutory holidays. Before I get into the trip we want to greet you and thank you for your prayers and we trust you are in good health, experiencing the presence and power of the living God in every aspect of your life. We are thrilled to share the latest updates and exciting opportunities to contribute to the work of God through Global Christian Centre Ministries in Albania and around the world. With your generous support, we have made significant strides in our mission to bring hope, love, and transformation to those in need, sharing the love of Jesus and His plan for reconciliation with the world. It was amazing to be in Albania, meeting new and old friends, brothers and sisters from different walks of life. We were encouraged to see the hunger for the word of God and the desire to serve Him, and are we ever excited about what the future holds.

Witness the Power of your Giving

Your support has truly changed lives. Through our recent outreach programs, we have provided clothing, food, and education to vulnerable children, many of whom come from Muslim homes. The daycares, Children’s Bible Schools, (CBS) are going strong and as mentioned we have expanded our services to the community by providing the nursery for children aged 2-3. The nursery has reached its limits with lots of requests for more babies to be looked after by our staff so we are increasing our capacity to meet this need.

Celebrate with us at an unforgettable Banquet experience at our upcoming faith in action Gala at our Love Albania Banquet and experience an extraordinary evening of celebration and generosity. Save the date and join us on Friday October 20th as we come together as a community to raise funds for our ongoing projects. The event will feature captivating testimonies, and one of the first girls (now lady) who came to know Jesus as her personal Saviour will be there to share with us and we will have a delightful dinner. Your presence and contribution will make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

Remember that what you donate to GCCM and our ministry around the world, is tax deductible and goes to see lives transformed by the power of God. What you give today affects eternity

Vision Trip Opportunity:

Experience God’s Work First hand

We would like to offer you the chance to join Valbona and I on a vision trip next year. Travel with us to Turkey, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania and catch a New Vision of our world and ministry. This will allow you to witness firsthand what God is doing in the lives of many individuals. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to participate in our Children's Bible School, Nursery, Feeding program, and if the timing is right to assist in providing food bags to widows, single mothers, and impoverished families. You will also have time to enjoy the beautiful Adriatic and Ionian seas, as well as explore historical sites. If you are interesting in participating or learn more about this incredible opportunity to get involved and make a direct impact, contact us as soon as possible.

Remember that what you donate to GCCM and our ministry around the world, is tax deductible and goes to see lives transformed by the power of God. What you give today affects eternity

Monthly Giving Program: Plant Seeds of Transformation.

Consider becoming a monthly donor and play a vital role in our ongoing mission to transform lives. Your consistent contributions will ensure a stable foundation for our programs and enable us to plan for future initiatives. Even a small monthly donation can make a significant difference in the lives of those who need it most. To set up your recurring donation today please contact our office. If you would like to help the poor in Albania, Romania or India, here are some other ways to give which are all secure. At this point outside of a recurring gift the best way to give is to send an e-transfer to us at donate@lovealbania.com or djpennoyer@gmail.com and mark down what it is for. Secondly you can give me a call at 403-472-2720 and give me your credit card information over the phone and we can process it right away. Third, you can give online at https://donate.global-ministry.com/. Last you can send it by post to the Canadian address below. Your prayers and giving are very much appreciated. Thank you ALL for your giving and your prayers.

We deeply appreciate your unwavering support and partnership in our mission to serve others in the name of Christ. With your continued generosity, we can bring hope and make a lasting impact on countless lives. May God bless you abundantly for your faithfulness.

Remember that what you donate to GCCM and our ministry around the world, is tax deductible and goes to see lives transformed by the power of God. What you give today affects eternity

Answered Prayer and Prayer Requests:

Uniting in Faith

As a Christian organization, we firmly believe in the power of prayer. We have seen God do marvellous miracles over the years. We invite you to share your prayer requests and join our community in praying for the needs and challenges faced by the individuals and communities we serve. Together, through prayer, we can uplift those in difficult circumstances and bring the healing touch of God's grace into their lives. At our Annual Board meeting I was asked to look for someone who would be a Prayer Coordinator for our ministry. If you would like to take this ministry on or even just participate please let us know.

- We thank God for our two Missionaries. Their church was able to find a location to rent which they had to renovate and now they are in their new building Praising God

- We heard from Pastor Samuel in India but then he went silent again. Please pray for him that God would protect him and use him in a great way.

- Pray for the outreach programs that we have going on in Albania.

- Please pray for Brian and Rita Lise. He is our Director of Advancement and has been a great help. The cancer has returned in Brian’s bones and back. He is in great pain. Please pray for healing and relief from pain for him and for Rita who has Alzheimer’s and is in a special home.

- Pray for me, David, as I plan once again to go into churches in North America to share what Jesus is doing in our ministry and raising awareness of how you can participate. Also pray that God would move in the lives of people and we would see signs, wonders and miracles take place. If you would like me to come to your church please let me know.